Thursday, November 29, 2007

Christmas letter - the answers!!!!!!!

Here are the answers to the "Garvey Family Christmas Quiz". If you haven't taken the quiz yet, please read the prior post before reading the answers in this post!

  • a. 4 - We started you out with an easy one, hopefully everyone got this right as the answer was in the letter!

  • b. 14 - they had to skip a few to go around some slower players in front of them. The second time they went they played all 18 holes - look out Tiger!

  • c. 70 - this was is a bit subjective as she has probably learned 20 more since we sent this out!

  • d. 30 - each way that is!

  • e. 300 - I actually kept track for a day! For the record, the eldest probably asked 2/3 of these! I realized that when he talks he produces more questions that he does statements!

  • f. 80 - I guess we could travel around the world in that time!

  • g. 103 - Special thanks to the grandparents that took care of our kids to make the whole trip possible! There are some pictures of our trip in the July archives! If you ever have the chance to visit this part of the world - we highly recommend it!

  • h. 18 - exactly! Big brother Aidan will be 3 in January - all the Baker clan is doing well!

  • i. 9 - this is a bit of a trick question as 2 of them are technically great aunt and great uncle - but they definetly qualify for grandparent status!

  • j. 20 - We may not be able to change a whole country, but we believe we can make a difference, one child or one family at a time - check out ,, &

  • k. 47 - this may have changed by the time you received the letter - so give yourself some grace on this one!

Grading Scale:

9-11 correct: Garvey Family Expert

If this is your score - you spend way too much time with us or way too much time on our blog!

5-8 correct: Garvey Family Groupie

If this is your score - you have probably had to endure a few too many episodes of listening to us tell you all our funny kid stories - see now it has actually paid off!

1-4 correct: Garvey Family Novice

If this is your score - we need to get to know you more!
Stick around and next year you too can be a Garvey Family Expert!

Tuesday, November 27, 2007


We were out to eat tonight and some teenage girls were commenting on how cute Becca was. They said she looks like "Boo" from Monsters Inc. We told them that we call her Becca-Boo, but that is not why! So what do you think?

Monday, November 26, 2007

Thanksgiving pictures!

Well I think we survived the Thanksgiving weekend! It is still vacation around here as David doesn't go back to school until tomorrow (Tuesday).
We spent Thanksgiving Day at Nana and Papa's house and the kids all had a great time - so did Chris as you can see in the pictures! We also celebrated Clay's 10th birthday.

On Friday we went to Grammy's house for another yummy turkey dinner. Then we all bundled up and went to the Fantasy of Lights Parade - the kids all really enjoyed this fun event!

On Saturday and Sunday we all kept busy putting up the tree and decorating the house!
Even though it can be busy and stressful, I am really excited that the Christmas season is here!

Friday, November 16, 2007

Rebecca's first "official" haircut

I took Becca to my hair-stylist this morning to get her first real haircut. I have been letting her bangs grow out, but finally decided that I couldn't stand them hanging in her face anymore. And keeping a barette in is just about impossible. So here is the before shot at home (kind of dark, I know, but you get the idea with the bangs).

She sat so well for Susanne! And of course she charmed everyone in the salon. I had her take a bit off of the back as well - just to get it evened up!

And here is the after shot!

And I just had to throw this one in too - I took this the other day!

Thursday, November 08, 2007

David's first "crash"

When I picked David up from school yesterday he was so excited to tell me about a new girl that just joined his class! He said he played with her so much yesterday it seemed like she had been there all school year. Today he came home and told me that she has a "crash" on him and he has one on her. I asked him if he meant a "crush" and he said "yes, that's the word". Whew... I don't know if I am ready for this next part of the ride!

Thursday, November 01, 2007


Wow - what a day we had! Chris actually went into work a little late, just to be able to help David get all set in his robot costume. Chris put A LOT of time and effort into this costume and it was just AWESOME!

David's school had a costume parade in the morning, so I got Steven & Becca in their costumes and Gup and Gams joined us to watch.

David only had a 1/2 day and right when he got home we left to take Steven to pre-school for his harvest party. Then we had trick-or-treating in the evening! We have a high-traffic sub, so it is quite an event around here! All the kids had a great time and were up well past their bedtimes!

Unfortunately, David woke up with an upset tummy and had to stay home from school today - he seems better now though and should be back at it tomorrow!