Friday, June 27, 2008

My son - the romantic!

I just had to pop on and tell about this! Steven is having a playdate this afternoon (3 hours from now) with his friend Ashley. This is just no ordinary friend this is his "special friend"! When we were in Florida in February he counted down the days until he would see her again. On the night we got home he said "I need to go to bed right away, because when I wake up it will be the day that I get to see Ashley".
This morning, he has already picked out his own clothes and he wanted to be sure to wear a "fancy" shirt. He has been in the bathroom for awhile and I just checked on him and he is standing in front of the mirror brushing his hair! I love his tender heart and I already see in him a loyalty to frienships!
Here he is looking daper as ever!

Good thing he spent 15 minutes brushing his hair - it's so unruly!

1 comment:

Brandi said...

Ok. . how cute is that?! Oh my!
