Wednesday, June 13, 2007

One year ago today...

I held my beautiful daughter for the first time! I can remember it like it was moments ago. I am just in awe of how amazing she is and how it seems she has always been here! We will celebrate Family Day on Sunday as that is the day we were all together. Here is picture of her within the first hour of her being brought to us.

And here she is this past weekend at 17 1/2 months. (Yes, she can climb the ladder of the playset and go down the slide all on her own!)

David was the "star of the day" at school today. For show-and-tell he decided to bring in Rebecca (and Steven too). So we briefly explained the concept of adoption and showed the kids Guatemala on the map. Rebecca was distracting the kids like crazy and was having so much fun exploring the room and even sat down for circle time for awhile - I got some great video!

1 comment:

Jaime said...

You have such a beautiful family. What a special treat for David to take Rebeccah to school. I am sure they had a great time, as did you and Steven! Happy Family Day!